Partridge Street General Practice is very happy to welcome Dr Ali Waddell to Our Team!






Dr Ali is one of our two Senior GP Registrars. She completed her undergraduate study at the University of Adelaide and went on to work in rural Victoria completing terms in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Emergency. Her experience even includes time in East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory!

Dr Ali enjoys discussing General and Preventative Health, with a particular focus on Family Medicine, Women’s Health, and Paediatrics. Outside of this, she enjoys relaxing with family and friends and enjoying our beautiful beaches.






Partridge Street General Practice is an accredited General Practice and is further accredited by our Regional General Practice Training Provider GPEx and our local Medical School at Flinders University.






This means that the GPs at Partridge Street General Practice are teaching the Doctors and Medical Students who will be the future of medicine in Australia. It’s a big responsibility and a privilege we take very seriously.





Award Winning Responsibility!



All of our doctors here at Partridge Street General Practice are fully qualified ‘Fellows’ holding a specialist qualification with either the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) or both (3-4 years of full time study and 3 exams on top of an undergraduate university medical degree and supervised trainee ‘intern’ year in a hospital) or are studying towards these qualifications. This is our minimum specialist standard and we may have other qualifications and skills.

Our Fellows provide supervision and advice to our Registrars and you may find that they are called in to consult with the Registrar on your case. ‘Registrars’ are qualified doctors who have completed their hospital training and are now embarking on their General Practice training. Some may already have other qualifications in medical or other fields.

We also supervise and teach Medical Students from Flinders University. They are still studying to become doctors. All of us – Fellows, Registrars, and Medical Students – make up the Clinical Team here at Partridge Street General Practice with our excellent Practice Nurses. We all uphold the highest standards of privacy, confidentiality, professionalism, and clinical practice.



Update: Dr Ali Waddell was a fantastic part of our growing Clinical Team and we appreciated her sharing her General Practice training journey with us. She’s moved on to further training and we wish her well for her exams in 2018. Here’s our team now!



Dr Gareth Boucher

Dr Penny Massy-Westropp

Dr Monika Moy

Dr Katherine Astill

Dr Nick Mouktaroudis

Dr Nick Tellis