PartridgeGP doctors have conducted hundreds of skin checks over the past decade
Our comprehensive skin cancer checks consist of a detailed full body examination for any moles or suspicious skin lesions with dermatoscopy. Sun damaged skin can lead to skin cancers such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and pre-cancers such as solar keratosis that all need prompt treatment.
Living in sunny South Australia, we all know how careful we need to be with our skin.
Between 95 and 99% of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun. Melanoma and other skin cancers abound and if you don’t look for them, you won’t find them.
Take care of your skin and have your moles checked regularly. By maintaining a long term relationship with a GP you can ensure that any changes are picked up as soon as possible.

Skin Checks
Standard Fee
Medicare Rebate
Standard Gap
Brief (1-2 spots) (
$ 130
$ 41
$ 89
Comprehensive (20-40 min)
$ 200
$ 80
$ 120
Extensive (> 40 min)
$ 270
$ 117
$ 153
Comprehensive Care for your family