Practice Fee Changes
Practice Fee Changes
PartridgeGP provides Professional, Comprehensive, Empowering and Sustainable Healthcare promoting health and wellbeing as well as managing illness.
As a high quality, fully accredited General Practice, we offer a range of premium services from passionate, skilled professionals onsite for your convenience.
We value our community and our community values us.
In order to continue to support our General Practitioners to provide excellent service, the following changes will come into effect from July 2022:
- – Most fees will increase by $5
- – Children aged 5 to 15, and aged pensioners will receive a discounted rate (children 5 to 10 were previously bulk billed on weekdays)
- – Children 4 years & under will be bulk billed on weekdays
- – Saturday rates will apply to all patients with the exception of DVA Gold Card holders
A standard weekday consultation (in person, via phone or via video) will attract a fee of $104.75 with a Medicare rebate of $39.75, making the out of pocket cost $65. The discounted rate is $84.75, making the out of pocket cost $45.
We look forward to supporting you with all your health care needs in 2022 and beyond.