One of my favourite books is ‘How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big’, by Scott Adams, published in 2013. The book is Adams’ life story, but more manual than autobiography. He talks about systems outperforming goals over time. He also, famously, declares in chapter 3; ‘Passion is BS’. He has many reasons for this but essentially it boils down to feeling that passion is a polite and socially acceptable shorthand for all of the individual components of success (hard work, privilege, luck, support, tenacity, and so on). It’s a little bit of a business buzzword, and possibly gets you a win in buzzword bingo.
I recently had the pleasure of a short video chat with Peter Rufus of Nicknack – a branding agency (and designers of the awesome PartridgeGP website). Peter starts off talking about passion and I was reminded of the famous chapter…
I will be talking at our business networking group soon, and rather than talking about passion (Peter is very passionate about his business, and understandably so. I would argue his hard work, skill, and success, have led to passion), I will use stories to illustrate where PartridgeGP has come from, where it is, where it’s going, its WHY, and how it serves you.
If you’d like to see this in person:
Short selling carnage on Wall Street
Don’t panic, don’t riot
Come and enjoy breakfast, education, networking, and 6 minutes of Dr Nick
Thursday 25 February 2021
645am for 7am
Rydges Hotel South Terrace CBD
see you there
If you’d like to know more about the book, hit up a good Aussie bookseller, online or bricks and mortar, or check out this summary:
PartridgeGP works with you to help you make your best health decisions, and we won’t back away from being your companion, guide, advisor, and sounding board through your health journey. We pride ourselves on great communication and we’re ready to share our professional skills and knowledge with you. This is only MORE important now, in the time of a global pandemic with a new vaccine on the horizon. The way forward is clear: make your appointment with us conveniently online right here – or call our friendly reception team on 82953200.
Better, for you.
Want more?
Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on
For everyone, we believe that having a usual GP or General Practice is central to each person’s care and recommend that people with any health issues that come to the attention of other health professionals should be advised to attend their usual GP or General Practice rather than a specialised service (ie a place not providing the holistic care a specialist GP would). If they say that they don’t have a usual GP or general practice, they should be helped to find one and to actually attend it. Call PartridgeGP on 82953200 or make an appointment online here.
(Hat tip: Dr Oliver Frank)
Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on
If you’re employed, get a side hustle and get into business. If you’ve already got a business, get a network. Want to get started? Find your tribe here!

If you are a great GP or a great Allied Health Professional, and you want to serve your clients or patients to the best of your ability, without worrying about all the non clinical things that get in your way, lets talk. Call Mrs Hayley Roberts on 8295 3200 and have a coffee and chat with us as to how PartridgeGP can help you to help others.
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