2021 – apparently the year of the rescheduled Olympics. Organizers of the Tokyo Olympics are agonizing over whether to hold the event amid a surge of COVID-19 cases in Japan and around the world. We live in Australia, arguably the greatest place to live in the world at any time, and certainly while there is a global pandemic. Australia has the benefit of being a wealthy island and is actually quite hard to get to. This applies to viruses, people, but not tennis players…

Heads up guys, with all the controversy about whether virus particles get through masks (spoiler – where there is low community transmission of COVID-19, wearing a mask in the community when you are well is not generally recommended. However, where there is significant community transmission (as determined by jurisdictional public health authorities), you may choose, or be required to, wear a mask. If physical distancing is difficult to maintain, for example on public transport, covering your face with a mask can provide some extra protection), I can reveal that virus particles get through the holes between the cross strings and main strings on a tennis racquet!

My $0.02 is that the Australian Open should go ahead, with firmly enforced quarantine rules, and the players should accept that the standard of play and injury risk will be different to previous years and compete (or not) accordingly. A further $0.02 worth of thoughts from me is that the Olympics should be a virtual event this year, as far as is possible, and should be sponsored by Zoom.

Parts of a Tennis Racquet With Video & Diagram for Beginners

Yesterday, we introduced our new and existing allied health providers – today, it’s our new GPs and non GP specialist doctors!

Dr Ciara Peddell completed her medical training at the University of Tasmania in 2014. Since then she has worked in hospitals and GP practices in Townsville and Brisbane. She completed the Diploma of Child Health in 2017 through the University of Sydney and received her RACGP fellowship in 2019. Dr Ciara is looking forward to moving to Adelaide in January to start her work at Partridge GP.  

Dr Elias Salagaras completed his medical training through the University of Adelaide in 2017. He is enthusiastic about child health, having completed rotations at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He was also worked throughout the Central Adelaide Local Health Network, and the Whyalla Hospital. He is looking forward to bringing all of this recent knowledge to his specialist GP training! He will kick off the new year with a great mindset and our Great Team here at PartridgeGP!

PartridgeGP is proud to welcome Dr Nick Brook and the EastWestUrology Team to our premises at 670 Anzac Highway! Another Dr Nick I hear you say – this Dr Nick is a specialist urologist: Urology is the surgical and medical management of problems of the male and female urinary system, and male reproductive system. There is some overlap with other areas of medicine and surgery, and sometimes joint care is required. Dr Nick is joined by Dr Dan SpernatDr Mark Lloyd, and Urology Nurse Specialist Louise, to provide a comprehensive service from PartridgeGP, for both males and females with urological (bladder and kidney and prostate) issues.

Dr Katherine Astill commenced her specialist General Practice training with PartridgeGP in August 2017, returned in August 2019, and is back again from February 2021! She graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of South Australia in 2009 and furthered her education with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Deakin University in 2013. After holding positions with the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, she decided to specialise in General Practice, with a special interest in Women’s and Children’s Health completing her Diploma of Child Health in 2016. Dr Katherine has a passion for holistic care and preventative health. She is also a strong advocate for a plant based diet and healthy lifestyle and looks forward to helping people with both of these.

PartridgeGP works with you to help you make your best health decisions. We pride ourselves on great communication and we’re ready to share our professional skills and knowledge with you. This is only MORE important now, in the time of a global pandemic with a new vaccine on the horizon. The way forward is clear: make your appointment with us conveniently online right here – or call our friendly reception team on 82953200.

Want more?

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

For everyone, we believe that having a usual GP or General Practice is central to each person’s care and recommend that people with any health issues that come to the attention of other health professionals should be advised to attend their usual GP or General Practice rather than a specialised service (ie a place not providing the holistic care a specialist GP would).   If  they say that they don’t have a usual GP or general practice, they should be helped to find one and to actually attend it. Call PartridgeGP on 82953200 or make an appointment online here.

(Hat tip: Dr Oliver Frank)

(TL;DR – Get a regular GP or General Practice and use them!)

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

If you’re employed, get a side hustle and get into business. If you’ve already got a business, get a network. Want to get started? Find your tribe here!

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

If you are a great GP or a great Allied Health Professional, and you want to serve your clients or patients to the best of your ability, without worrying about all the non clinical things that get in your way, lets talk. Call Mrs Hayley Roberts on 8295 3200 and have a coffee and chat with us as to how PartridgeGP can help you to help others.