We’ve written about the Patient Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR or MyHealthRecord) before – you can have a look at the links below.
the australian pcehr – success or failure
Info for Best Practice using GPs here
Also – see MJA Insight right here!
Today we’re going to talk about how NOT to have a MyHealthRecord. Perhaps you don’t think it’s private, perhaps you’re opposed to it for some reason. Perhaps you just don’t want one. Read on.
The Australian Government is expanding My Health Record for all Australians in 2018.
By the end of 2018, a My Health Record will be created for every Australian unless they choose not to have one.
How can I opt out?
If you decide that you don’t want a My Health Record created on your behalf, you will have the opportunity to tell us during a three-month period.
This period will run from 16 July to 15 October 2018. It’s not possible to opt out of having a My Health Record before this period starts on 16 July 2018.
Opt Out Here!
The dates for the opt-out period were announced on 14 May 2018. See the media release for further details.
The Australian Government announced in the 2017 Budget the creation of a My Health Record for every Australian by the end of 2018. Read more about the budget announcement.
Partridge Street General Practice is all about quality – professional, comprehensive, and empowering General Practice. You can make an appointment with us right here.
Want to be part of the Partridge Street General Practice team? Contact Dr Nick Tellis at drnt@partridgegp.com.au or 0882953200
News from the RACGP here:
More info here!
Another reason to #optout
And here is our electronic booking provider with their thoughts…
As technology enhances the state’s capacity to surveil its citizens it is becoming more and more apparent what relationship we have vis-a-vis the state. This is especially so in the modern welfare state. The logic is as follows: the state pays for you, the state owns you. Take, for example, the My Health Record:
Australian Federal Police, the Home Affairs Department, financial regulatory authorities, crime commissions, and any state or territory police force or anti-corruption bodies are among the law enforcement bodies that would be able to access Australians’ sensitive medical records if they held a “reasonable belief” it would be necessary to prevent a crime.
The Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink or Medicare could also look into an individual’s medical records as the legislation states that the “protection of the public revenue” is another reason for agencies to access My Health Record data, according to the analysis by the director of the Parliamentary Library’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security research section Nigel Brew.
You can opt out here.
As I’ve said before – if only there was a technology that allowed citizens control over their own data.