I like steak. It tastes good, it looks good, and I think it is good for you (like everything, everything in moderation). My preferred steak is grass fed, thickly cut, with a generous fat content, well marbled, and cooked with love, care, and attention. Cattle are meant to graze on pasture, not corn, and not soy. I am listed on Low Carb Down Under and am very happy to give medical advice on medical issues to do with Low Carb, Healthy Fat (LCHF) eating and diet. You can read some of my previous posts on this here, here, and here.

I wrote earlier this week about the theory of maximum taste, where our minds are defined by their upper limits; the best content they are used to consuming regularly. Whether it is the content you read, the food you eat, or the company you keep, better quality improves you and your life. To this end, I like to source good quality steak. This requires time, effort, energy, and investment. I know my local butchers well. They know me. They will often have exactly what I want (sometimes knowing what I want better than I do) and will have it packaged up for me and ready to go in far less time than others would. This is very valuable to me. I liken this to the service we provide at PartridgeGP – high quality, relational, and proactive. We add value.

Now, all this service and value comes at a cost. My local butcher is a little bit more expensive than my local supermarket. They don’t open from dawn until midnight. They don’t open on a Sunday, or even late on a Saturday afternoon. I have to plan ahead; if I don’t organise myself during opening hours, I sometimes find myself steakless. Thankfully, there is a solution to this with my local supermarket being open for the vast majority of the week. They always have steak and I can grab some whenever. It’s cheaper, it’s generally not grass fed, or well marbled, or thick, and usually has supermodel amounts of fat. I am very grateful that my local supermarket exists. They provide a different level of service and value. I shop there far less often than at my local butcher but convenience is a virtue all of it’s own. I liken this to the value proposition from some other medical providers.

Just like with your food, your reading, and the company you keep, pick your medical care mindfully in 2021, and invest that time, effort and energy into your health. You can make your appointment with us conveniently online right here – or call our friendly reception team on 82953200.

Where to from here?

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

For everyone, we believe that having a usual GP or General Practice is central to each person’s care and recommend that people with any health issues that come to the attention of other health professionals should be advised to attend their usual GP or General Practice rather than a specialised service (ie a place not providing the holistic care a specialist GP would).   If  they say that they don’t have a usual GP or general practice, they should be helped to find one and to actually attend it. Call PartridgeGP on 82953200 or make an appointment online here.

(Hat tip: Dr Oliver Frank)

(TL;DR – Get a regular GP or General Practice and use them!)

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

If you’re employed, get a side hustle and get into business. If you’ve already got a business, get a network. Want to get started? Find your tribe here!

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

If you are a great GP or a great Allied Health Professional, and you want to serve your clients or patients to the best of your ability, without worrying about all the non clinical things that get in your way, lets talk. Call Mrs Hayley Roberts on 8295 3200 and have a coffee and chat with us as to how PartridgeGP can help you to help others.