A new Coronavirus (similar to the common cold) has broken out in Wuhan, China. Many people seem to be worried.

The Symptoms

For now, our advice mirrors State and Federal Health advice:



Call @PartridgeGP for a conversation, not to attend. Patients can also call Health Direct on 1800 022 222

If patients have travelled to China in the past 14 days and have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or breathlessness, avoid contact with other
people, do not go into crowded places, or take public transport.

Patients should not attend general practice. They should be referred over the phone to the hospital emergency department and the ED should be informed to prepare for the patient’s arrival. The only testing should be in a public health setting.

Health Direct has a team of public health doctors for triage and assessment and referral to emergency. Public health will notify emergency departments in advance.

If patients at risk attend PartridgeGP this is what we will do:


If you have cold and flu type symptoms or fever AND have recently travelled overseas to China or been with someone who has…SEE THE ADVICE ABOVE