A new Coronavirus (similar to the common cold) has broken out in Wuhan, China. Many people seem to be worried.
For now, our advice mirrors State and Federal Health advice:
Call @PartridgeGP for a conversation, not to attend. Patients can also call Health Direct on 1800 022 222
If patients have travelled to China in the past 14 days and have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or breathlessness, avoid contact with other
people, do not go into crowded places, or take public transport.
Patients should not attend general practice. They should be referred over the phone to the hospital emergency department and the ED should be informed to prepare for the patient’s arrival. The only testing should be in a public health setting.
Health Direct has a team of public health doctors for triage and assessment and referral to emergency. Public health will notify emergency departments in advance.
If patients at risk attend PartridgeGP this is what we will do:
If you have cold and flu type symptoms or fever AND have recently travelled overseas to China or been with someone who has…SEE THE ADVICE ABOVE
Extra info:
A quick note to share with you all the following letter/ factsheets from the Prof. Brendan Murphy the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer and Department of Health regarding the novel coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China (2019-nCov).
Please find attached:
A communique from the Chief Medical Officer
A factsheet aimed at Primary and Community Health Workers
A factsheet aimed at Emergency Departments
The letter/ factsheets is being distributed through a number of channels late yesterday and today ( colleges primarily) and through social media.
We are being briefed at least once daily by the CMO. This is a rapidly evolving exercise.
The govt website is as follows
Here is a link to some media on ABC TV this am by the CMO.
Your states and territories will also be putting out local specific information if not already.
We are receiving many requests for Media at this time on this and the related CDC question.
The association is playing a key role in the public health messaging around this issue.
More updates in the days ahead
Coronavirus update SA: For those who are concerned about the current Coronavirus outbreak. I just met with the health minister and SA health chief executive, in regards to the public response and GP response to the virus. Chris Moy has just held an excellent press conference following our meeting. No cases yet in SA, however atleast 5 in isolation with one negative test so far. Low risk according to CDC. We anticipate Friday that we will have the ability to test at SA Path instead of sending to Melb. GPs are advised, as per the communication yesterday, that patients should not attend without notifying the clinic they are at risk. SMS to patient may be appropriate. SA health is working today on making sure marketing material reaches clinics. Please call the CBCB number if you have concerns. The number was overloaded yesterday. Still call though is the advice! But the plan is that the federal government is working on a national hotline. For clinics who don’t have N95 masks or have ran out, the plan is for the phn to roll out soon. However call CDC if you have concerns. Unfortunately the mixed messages from the independent schools has caused further panic. We are still following national guidelines here in SA. There will be a GP info session tomorrow night through SA Heath and CDC, no confirmed details yet. Thanks to those who contacted me for RACGP advice, I’ll put this message on other social media channels.
Medical Clearance for Coronavirus – template
(Private bill – not a medicare rebateable service – advise in advance and get payment before releasing written clearance)
To whom it may concern,
I [insert dr name here] have had a consultation with [insert patient name] on [insert date]. In line with current State and Federal Health department advice, I have taken the following history:
Identify exposure history
Has the patient lived in or visited Hubei Province, China in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Has the patient travelled to an agreed area of human-to-human transmission1, or a declared outbreak, in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Has the patient been in contact with a person diagnosed with 2019-nCoV infection within the last 14 days?
If no, continue with usual triage and assessment.
If yes, continue with the 2019-nCoV assessment.
Identify signs and symptoms
Does the patient have fever or history of fever AND acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of respiratory infection with at least one of: shortness of breath, cough or sore throat)?
If no, continue with usual triage and assessment. Advise to monitor for fever and symptoms for 14 days after last exposure in Wuhan and to contact public health (1300 066 055) if symptoms develop.
If yes, manage as a suspect 2019-nCoV case.
[insert patient name here] has not answered yes to any of the above questions. I assume that they have been truthful. I hope this information is useful to you in determining risk according to your institutions own protocol in regard to this matter.
Kind regards
Dr [insert your name here]