You can make a New Year’s Resolutions anytime! Imagine instantly feeling better and healthier with these Three Free Tips from Partridge Street General Practice!




Lose Weight






There is an Easier way to lose your excess weight. Move more, eat less, and eat better. I Guarantee Everyone will have some success with these methods!



First, set some movement goals every day. Ten thousand steps is a good start. Your smart phone will track this for you with no other expensive device required. Your next step is 25-45 minutes of activity that makes you sweat, 3-5 times a week. The step after that – which is ALL that is required for cardiovascular health, is to WALK for 30-60 minutes, 5-7 times a week, BRISKLY enough to NOT be able to hold an easy conversation. Boom!




Second, Get Rid of Sugar. You’ll eat less and you’ll eat better. Just Do It.









Quit Smoking



There is one question I ask of people who want to Stop Smoking.


‘Do you like Smoking?’


Think About It.



Then Imagine Not Smoking.



We are Here to Help You Now!








Feel Better Instantly




You are the Youngest you’ll ever be and You have the Most Time you’ll ever have. Invest that Time wisely. Be Grateful. See your Friends and Family (including your Fur Family 😎 ) who make You Feel great! Live your life actively and intentionally. We live in a fantastic time and all things are possible, make the most of it.










Partridge Street General Practice is Here to Help You achieve your Health Goals. Feel Healthier, Feel Better – see us Here!



Dr Gareth Boucher

Dr Penny Massy-Westropp

Dr Monika Moy

Dr Katherine Astill

Dr Nick Mouktaroudis

Dr Nick Tellis
