Many people are concerned about the rising costs of living. One of those costs can be the cost of medical care. Often, but not always, cost and value align (so something that costs more is worth more and is of higher quality, and vice versa).


General Practice in Australia is both efficient and excellent with nearly 90% of Australians seeing a GP at least once a year and this delivering world leading outcomes at a good price. Still, the Medicare Rebate for patients has not kept up with the rising costs of providing medical care and running a medical practice and so out of pocket costs have gone up for patients.


Patients Medicare rebates are set by politicians, an increasing number of whom are lawyers. Lawyers often point to pro bono services they provide for the poor and disadvantaged and here we come to the first thing you probably didn’t know:


“Pro bono” comes from the Latin phrase “pro bono publico” which means “for the public good”. In the legal context it generally means the provision of legal services on a free or significantly reduced fee basis.


Now for the second thing you probably didn’t know:

Almost every GP in Australia is providing pro bono work on a daily basis when they bulk bill patients.


The patients Medicare rebate, which a GP accepts as full payment for professional services if bulk billing, is less than half the recommended professional fee for most GP services.

An election is coming. Let your politician know that your health shouldn’t depend on pro bono work from your GP.


It’s your Medicare Rebate.


medicare card.PNG


You deserve better.


You know it. Make them know it too.


Contact them below

Scott Morrison

Bill Shorten

Richard Di Natale

Greg Hunt

Catherine King