PartridgeGP Privacy And Information Management Policy



PartridgeGP Privacy Policy

We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information. This document is our privacy policy and it tells you how we collect and manage your personal information.

We respect your rights to privacy and have a legal obligation to abide by the provisions of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988. These cover the collection, use, disclosure, quality and security of your personal information. We also act in accordance with South Australia’s specific privacy laws.

Further information on Privacy Legislation is available from:

Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner

1300 363 992


What is your personal information?


  • Health information is a subset of personal information. Personal information is, by definition, sensitive; it requires more rigorous protection than non-sensitive information. Personal information can include any information collected in order to provide a health service, such as a person’s:

    – name and address

  • – bank account details
  • – Medicare number
  • – health information (such as a medical or personal opinion) relating to their health, disability or health status, and all the information collected in your medical record to improve the care that we provide to you (for treatment, screening, and referral purposes).


Even if there is no name attached to particular details, some details about a person’s medical history or other information could identify the person, (eg details of an appointment). Therefore, this information is still considered health information and must be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.


We collect your personal information from you, either in person, or through our booking and electronic systems (Hot Doc and Better Consult with other systems as required from time to time – any additional systems will require your consent at the time of use) unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so.

Third parties can also provide information including:

  • – Information you have consented to them providing;
  • – From health providers or services you have been referred to or from;
  • – from your employer or prospective employer; or
  • – From law enforcement or government agencies.


Wherever it is lawful and practicable, patients are able to remain anonymous when receiving care, if for example, sensitive issues arise or they feel they may be at risk, such as domestic violence situations or difficult relationships.  In these circumstances, the use of an alias or ‘disguised identity’ may be the best approach.



We only collect your personal information to serve you better – if we do not, we may not be able to offer you services, diagnoses, or treatment to the standard we usually deliver and that you rightfully expect. These services include diagnosis, treatment, administrative and billing services (including processing your correct rebates from Medicare, DVA, and other insurers), good record keeping (including your medical record, the Australian Immunisation Register, and My Health Record, if you have consented to this), holding your contact details for recall and review purposes, to comply with the laws of South Australia and Australia, and for our insurance and indemnity reasons. In addition to all of these, keeping your personal information allows us to respond quickly and well to any concerns or inquiries you may have, in regard to your health, or to our treatment of you.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described in this Privacy Policy or as permitted under the Act.

Your personal information may be seen and used by:

  • – The staff of PartridgeGP, medical and clinical providers working with PartridgeGP, and providers who partner with PartridgeGP to provide you with better care (including, but not exclusively limited to; our IT provider, the GP training provider – GPEx, our insurance providers, and other providers from time to time)
  • – With your express consent, an employer or prospective employer/their authorised representatives and/or their insurer in the case of a work-related consultation or service; and
  • – any organisation or person for any authorised purpose, also only with your express consent.

Can I see and change my personal information?

Yes, just contact us. There is no fee for making contact, and we will not unreasonably withhold the information about or concerning you that we have collected. Fees may apply for the provision of information/reports – these will be clearly communicated to you at the time.

PartridgeGP has rights and obligations under the Act in regard to personal information – again we will not unreasonably withhold information about you, from you. For example, we may need to delay or not grant access if others (or you) would have their health or privacy affected by such access. If this is the case, we will advise in writing the decision, the reasoning, and possible remediations.

Please contact us in writing if you feel the information we hold about you is incorrect or in error. We will either correct this or make a note to the effect that you disagree with the information we hold.

What if I think my privacy has been breached?

All staff are mindful of and respect the patient’s right to confidentiality and privacy.

Patient details are not openly stated over the telephone within audible range of other patients or visitors. PartridgeGP prides itself on the high calibre customer service we provide and value information security, confidentiality, right to privacy, dignity and respect.

It is not appropriate for administrative staff to give out any treatment or clinical advice as this falls outside their scope of practice.

PartridgeGP does not disclose any patient information including clinical and account information, except where deemed necessary by government legislation. No information is disclosed over the telephone as we are unable to determine the true identity of the patient.

In person the practice is able to obtain written consent from a patient and act accordingly under their instruction.

If you believe that your privacy has been breached, please contact us in accordance with the arrangements set out below and provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it.

We do not disclose your personal information to anyone outside of Australia except with your express consent. We also ensure your personal information is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We may hold your information in either electronic or hard copy form. Personal information is destroyed or de-identified when no longer needed.

Information supplied via our website or email is a security risk and any personal information or other information which you transmit to us in these ways is transmitted at your own risk.


Third Party Websites

Our website and social media accounts may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. We make no representations or warranties in relation to the privacy practices of any third-party website and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of any third party website. Third party websites are responsible for informing you about their own privacy practices.

How do I contact PartridgeGP – feedback/concerns/complaints?

Please contact us via phone:


Or email:

We will respond to you in a timely manner. If an urgent response is required, please contact us by phone.

Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on our website.

PartridgeGP July 2024 (Reviewed Annually).