The pandemic is here. This is what we can all do:
Wash your hands! Soap and water and 20 seconds if you can, alcohol hand sanitiser is second best.
Don’t touch your face! Dr George Forgan-Smith demonstrates in the short video at the link…and goes further with…
Social distancing. Try and stay 1-1.5m away from people. Don’t hug, kiss, shake hands…and DON’T do group meetings / big gatherings. These will soon be cancelled (Monday, if over 500 people) but really, it starts with you!
Cough into your elbow and clean your phone! Both of these will limit spread of those little virus particles!
Now that you’ve cleaned your phone, and are practicing your social distancing, USE the phone. Telehealth is here via your phone, no special equipment needed.
Great advice if you’re unwell, good advice just for day to day. Call PartridgeGP on 08 82953200 for a phone appointment!
So remember
Wash Your Hands
Don’t Touch Your Face
Social Distancing
Clean Your Phone
Use Your Phone
Stay Safe and Good Luck!
Some more videos and links below:
What is Your GP trying to do about this?
What about my specialist appointment?
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And please share this to all your friends and family
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