PartridgeGP is all about providing the best services and facilities to GPs, allied health professionals, and our staff, so we can serve our valued patients better. Anthony Prigent is not one of our patients but he has a story to tell as a patient, a survivor, and a man. He wrote a book…

In the blink of an eye
Anthony Prigent

History is written by the winners, as the saying goes, but more accurately by the survivors. All of us have done things that could have gone bad. Sometimes there has been a near miss, as when I helped build a retaining wall and witnessed a truck tip rebar straight past a man’s head. Sometimes there has been an accident with no lasting harm. Some automotive adventures come to mind. Sadly, sometimes there is an accident and it doesn’t miss. There is no survivor and no learning. It is rare then to have an accident, for it not to miss, and for there to be a survivor. Rarer still for them to thrive and rarer again for them to learn and write a book. Such is history written and so do we learn everything can change in the blink of an eye.

Spoiler alert was a big phrase in 2019 when the only plagues were on the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Anthony has the big reveal pretty early on after setting the scene and anyone who has met him couldn’t fail to be aware of how things turned out. He had a workplace accident, a tragedy in the true sense of the word. You can see it coming but it’s no less shocking when it happens.

It’s a very Aussie, very personal book. There’s butcher talk, there’s beers, tears, strippers, and pool. Then travel, fights, music, and women. Then more travel, more beers, and more women. We get to know Anthony through the book as he finds himself and gets to where he is now. It’s not all beer and women, but you’ll need to read his book to fill in the blanks.

I enjoyed this book. Anthony’s a good genuine bloke and his voice shines through on every page. I look forward to hearing his musical talents and facing him over a beer and a pool table. In a year when many lost a bit and all of us needed some perspective, ‘In the Blink of an Eye’ has something to teach us all. Get it, get on it, read it, digest it, learn from it. As Charles Swindoll said, and Anthony Prigent lives, life is ten per cent what happens to us and ninety per cent how we react to it; we are in charge of our attitudes.

Read the book!

PartridgeGP is here to help – and we will continue to serve our valued patients! PartridgeGP works with you to help you make your best health decisions, and we won’t back away from being your companion, guide, advisor, and sounding board through your health journey. We pride ourselves on great communication and we’re ready to share our professional skills and knowledge with you. This is only MORE important now, in the time of a global pandemic with a new vaccine on the horizon. The way forward is clear: make your appointment with us conveniently online right here – or call our friendly reception team on 82953200.

Where to from here?

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

For everyone, we believe that having a usual GP or General Practice is central to each person’s care and recommend that people with any health issues that come to the attention of other health professionals should be advised to attend their usual GP or General Practice rather than a specialised service (ie a place not providing the holistic care a specialist GP would).   If  they say that they don’t have a usual GP or general practice, they should be helped to find one and to actually attend it. Call PartridgeGP on 82953200 or make an appointment online here.

(Hat tip: Dr Oliver Frank)

(TL;DR – Get a regular GP or General Practice and use them!)

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

If you’re employed, get a side hustle and get into business. If you’ve already got a business, get a network. Want to get started? Find your tribe here!

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

If you are a great GP or a great Allied Health Professional, and you want to serve your clients or patients to the best of your ability, without worrying about all the non clinical things that get in your way, lets talk. Call Dr Nick Tellis on 8295 3200 and have a coffee and chat with us as to how PartridgeGP can help you to help others.